Hyperbolic Anamnesis is a handmade, custom macro-crocheted hyperbolic surface. The sculpture itself is approximately 22’ in diameter suspended from the ceiling directly in front of the elevator with a portion of the hyperbolic surface extending down the wall and the total sculpture will have an estimated area of 520 sqft.
As for the structural portion of the form, a series of bent aluminum tubes with mechanical couplers will be threaded into the perimeter of the hyperbolic surface that will give stiffness to the form and enable the perimeter tube to be anchored to the ceiling using galvanized steel strapping. As a result of using the foam material the weight to sqft ratio is quite low and therefore the load on the primary structure of the ceiling (joists, rafters, etc.) should be greatly lower than if made out of a textile or rope material.
Coordination of roof structure relative to the anchor points will be required; a reflected ceiling plan drawing provided by the architect of record should suffice regarding the anchorage coordination of the sculpture in the room.